C programming language has conditions and loops also.Usually we are writing a program,and then Preprocesser header files and then logics are given next step is closing functions and run a program.Some simple programs are compile with out loops and conditions.The hard programs that is using functions are don't run without using conditions and looping concepts also.So that is why we are using conditions as well as
/*The simple program with out using any conditions and loops*/
#include<stdio.h #include<conio.h>
int a,b,c; //declaring variables
clrscr(); //clearing the output screen
clrscr(); //clearing the output screen
printf("enter the value of a and b"); //formatted output statement
scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); //formatted input statement
c=a+b; //a and b are added and stored in c
c=a+b; //a and b are added and stored in c
printf("%d",c); //variable c is printed
In this program we are declaring variables a and b and c.And then get the values from the user and b.And the operator + will be used then two values are added and stored in variable c.<printf>and <scanf> functions are called formatted output and formatted input functions.Logical operator(+)is used in this program.The print the c value.The output will be displayed as follows:
enter the values and b 5,6
very nice post